Congressional Meetings: NFIB Members Bring "Vote No on Tax Increases" Message Directly to Congress

Date: October 06, 2021

NFIB members speak out against tax hikes and mandates for small businesses, carrying the Small Business Survival message directly to their representatives

In the continuing fight on behalf of small businesses, NFIB is holding meetings with undecided Members of Congress and their staff to hear directly from small business owners on the proposed Build Back Better Act. In these meetings, NFIB members are engaging directly with their representatives to explain how tax increases and new mandates will hurt their business and the fragile small business economy.

Proposals in the taxing and spending bill include capping the Small Business Deduction (section 199A), increasing the corporate tax rate, raising the income tax rate on individuals and pass-through businesses like LLCs, S-Corps, and Sole Proprietorships, mandating that businesses with six or more employees provide auto-enrollment retirement plans, and mandating participation in a new paid leave program.

Since mid-September, meetings have been held or will be held in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia with NFIB members urging Members of Congress to oppose the Build Back Better Act’s tax hikes and mandates on small businesses.

NFIB members are also making their voices heard in the fight for small business survival through the In Their Own Words video series. NFIB member Melissa Cline, owner of Konvulse LLC, a small performance custom auto and repair shop in Las Vegas explains in the latest video how the Small Business Deduction allows small business owners to reinvest in their businesses. See Melissa explain how the tax increases proposed in Congress would impact her business here.


Your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators need to hear from you on how your small business would be impacted by the crushing changes proposed in the Build Back Better Act. Even if your Members of Congress have already voiced opposition to these tax hikes and mandates, they need to hear from you to reinforce why their opposition is crucial. Our Take Action system makes it easy to customize your message when you urge Congress to protect small businesses from tax increases and new mandates.


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