Officials Speak at Small Business Day in Baton Rouge

Date: May 13, 2024

The event gave members a chance to learn more and speak out on the issues affecting them

Insurance Commissioner Tim Temple and Revenue Secretary Richard Nelson were the feature speakers at this year’s Small Business Day at the Capitol.


The event was held at Jubans Restaurant & Bar, an NFIB member business in Baton Rouge.

Temple and Nelson spoke with NFIB members and guests about issues affecting their ability to own, operate, and grow their businesses.

“Small Business Day is a great opportunity for our members to connect with legislators and other state officials and talk to them one-on-one about the issues that matter most to Main Street,” NFIB State Director Leah Long said.

“I want to thank Commissioner Temple and Secretary Nelson for taking the time to visit with us and engaging with our members,” Long said. “I always want to thank all of the state legislators who joined us for Small Business Day. It was a great opportunity for our members to make sure the voice of small business comes through loud and clear.”



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