Small Business Says Date to Replace Phones Should be Extended

Date: May 17, 2016 Last Edit: May 19, 2016

Small business owners were recently asked to vote on
extending the deadline for a little known Public Service Commission rule that
could require them to replace their phones by the end of this year.

Under the rule, many small businesses would have to replace
existing phone systems that are in perfect condition with expensive new
equipment to meet the enhanced location requirements of 911 call centers.

With most existing multi-line phone systems (MLTS/PBX
systems), an outgoing call to a 911 emergency operator indicates the street
location where the call is coming from. The new Michigan Public Service
Commission (MPSC) rule requires that the phone system give the 911 operator
more precise information on where the call is originating that would include
the actual location within the building, such as a specific office or
conference room for example, in addition to the street location of the
business. This new “Enhanced 911” or “E911” rule will go into effect on
December 31, 2016 for any business or facility greater than 7,000 square feet
that has a multi-line (more than one phone line) phone system in place.

When asked if the Enhanced 911 rule deadline date of
12-31-2016 should be moved to a later date, more than 80 percent of NFIB
members responding said “YES”. More than 80 percent also supported moving the
7,000 square foot threshold of the rule back to 40,000 square feet so fewer
small businesses would be required to make any change. Members were also asked
if the rule should be rescinded altogether and 65 percent said “YES”.

NFIB is working on legislation that would extend the
deadline out to the end of 2019.

Go HERE for more information on this issue

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