Governor’s October Surprise Shifts NFIB Into High Gear

Date: November 01, 2016

BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 1, 2016—Gov. Butch Otter’s October surprise announcement last week that he is opposing passage of HJR 5 has thrown Idaho’s leading small-business association into high gear with just a week remaining before Election Day.
“I can understand the governor’s concern over a tiny loss of some executive power should HJR 5 pass, but its benefits far outweigh that worry,” said Suzanne Budge, Idaho state director for the National Federation of Independent Business, the state’s and nation’s largest small-business association.
“The ballot initiative presents a rare opportunity to secure in law a power the Legislature already has and executes but has a very weak grip on, given a close state Supreme Court decision and future expected challenges. We can’t pass on this golden opportunity to give Idahoans a measure of relief from overzealous regulators. The governor has done some good things for small business, which are forever commendable, but we must respectfully disagree with him on this.”
In a special ballot NFIB/Idaho sent to its members asking their opinion on HJR 5, 75 percent or respondents supported voting ‘Yes’ on it, 66 percent voted in favor of NFIB joining the campaign for its passage.
Budge says her association will use every available communications means to call its members into action. “Small-business owners are the most respected people in their communities, and we’ll be calling on them to use their powers of persuasion to educate people about the importance of voting for HJR 5. What we lack in campaign cash we make up for in ground troops.”
Every four years, NFIB’s Research Foundation publishes the 75 issues of importance to small-business owners. The latest edition came out August of this year and found “unreasonable government regulations” the No. 2 concern. The biggest culprit fueling this anxiety is federal regulations, but state regulations can be needless burdensome, too, which is why Budge said HJR 5 is such a relief.
A story on NFIB’s support of HJR 5 can be read here. It’s Congressional and Legislative endorsements can be found here.
For more than 70 years, the National Federation of Independent Business has been the Voice of Small Business, taking the message from Main Street to the halls of Congress and all 50 state legislatures. NFIB annually surveys its members on state and federal issues vital to their survival as America’s economic engine and biggest creator of jobs. NFIB’s educational mission is to remind policymakers that small businesses are not smaller versions of bigger businesses; they have very different challenges and priorities.
National Federation of Independent Business/Idaho
802 W. Bannock, Ste. 301
Boise, ID 83702


Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Idaho

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