Save the Date: Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016

Date: September 30, 2015

NFIB/Washington’s Small Business Days at the Capitol are one of the most circled dates on the calendars of legislators and top policymakers. Why? Because of the respect and regard they hold for people like you: The small-business owners of Washington state who generate almost every new job and employ half the state’s private-sector work force.
Make the effort to join your fellow entrepreneurs for the next Small Business Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016. The more small-business owners who attend, the louder we speak, and the more our message is heard and remembered in the halls and committee rooms of the State Capitol. Check the NFIB/Washington web page regularly for further updates on meeting times and confirmed speakers.
For sponsorship opportunities, call Member Support Manager Stacy Jenkins at 866-307-2846, or send her an email here. Check out the video below for the highlights from the 2015 Small Business Day. We hope to see you in 2016.

Related Content: Small Business News | Washington

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