NFIB Urges House to Pass Package of Bills

Date: September 16, 2014

NFIB Urges House to Pass Package of Bills

NFIB Urges
House to Pass Package of Bills

Jobs and
Energy Bills Would Help Small Business


WASHINGTON, D.C., September 16,
National Federation of Independent
Business (NFIB) Vice President of Public
Policy Amanda Austin
made the following statement in advance of this week’s
expected vote on
H.R. 4, the Jobs
for America Act and H.R. 2, the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and
More American Jobs Act:

businesses have been struggling to rebound following the recession,” said Austin. “Between rising health care costs, mounting
red tape, and increases to energy prices – entrepreneurs are feeling the pinch
at every level. The numerous provisions presented in the Jobs for America Act and the American Energy
Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act would help alleviate this
burden and go a long way to making sure Main Street remains vibrant. We urge
the House of Representatives to act on these important bills and encourage the
Senate to take up and pass them as well.”  

NFIB will be on
Capitol Hill Wednesday and Thursday this week to present Guardian of Small
Business Awards to members of Congress that served as a true champion of small
business, supporting the votes that matter in the 113th Congress. Included
in H.R. 4 and H.R. 2, are several of NFIB’s Key Votes for the 113th Congress,
including H.R.
, H.R.
, H.R.
, H.R.
, and H.R.

In all,
NFIB will present Guardian awards to 45 Senators and 233 Representatives who stood
up for small business. Click here for How Congress Voted for the 113th Congress.



is the nation’s leading small business advocacy association, with offices in
Washington, D.C. and all 50 state capitals. Founded in 1943 to give
small-business owners a voice in public policy-making, NFIB’s policy positions
are set by its 350,000 business-owner members, who send their views directly to
state and federal lawmakers through NFIB’s unique member-only ballot. NFIB’s
mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and
grow their businesses. More information is available online at


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