End of Session Review

Date: July 16, 2014

While the New Hampshire House of Representatives saw fit to
pass several pieces of legislation that would be onerous for the state’s many
small businesses, the Senate acted as a backstop preventing many dangerous
bills from passing.


A proposal to reinstate a state minimum wage and
subsequently increase it failed in the Senate. There were proposals to raise
the wage to as much as $9 per hour. While the House was in favor the Senate
prevented these bills from becoming law.


There was also a bill to increase unemployment insurance
benefits from 60% to 66 2/3%. This provision failed but a taskforce to review
the issue was announced. Even states like Massachusetts have a reimbursement
list on medical procedures, New Hampshire currently does not. Governor Hassan will
select members for the taskforce and NFIB NH will fight to make certain there
is a representative from the business community as well as submit comments. The
last taskforce reduced benefits to 60% from 66 2/3%.

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