For the general election on November 6, 2018, NFIB’s Ohio Political Action Committee has endorsed Mike DeWine and Jon Husted for election to the offices of Ohio Governor and Lt. Governor. Ohio needs to continue the economic comeback that has occurred over the past eight years. We need to maintain a common-sense regulatory environment, a small business investor deduction that allows entrepreneurs to pour dollars back into their businesses and create jobs, and an executive branch that embraces business-friendly policies to grow Ohio’s economy.
Hear from your fellow NFIB members by clicking on the graphic below to learn why Mike DeWine and Jon Husted are the best candidates to carry Ohio forward. Make sure you help to educate your employees, fellow small business owners, friends, and family as well. Remember to vote for NFIB endorsed candidates Mike DeWine and Jon Husted for election to the offices of Ohio Governor and Lt. Governor on November 6!