March 15, 2023
2023 General Assembly Half Time Report
We’re halfway through the 2023 legislative session, and so far, it’s been a successful session for small business owners in the Show Me State. From reducing the burden of regulations to helping employers retain their employees, the General Assembly has made economic development a key priority this session. Here’s a quick update on where things stand:
Regulatory Sandbox Both the House and Senate have passed their own versions of the Regulatory Sandbox Bill, which would ease the burden of regulations on start-ups. The Senate version of the bill would establish an Office of Entrepreneurship, which would serve as a one-stop shop for small businesses to get their questions answered.
This bill is well positioned to get to the Governor’s desk. We’ll continue to work with lawmakers to make regulatory relief a reality this session.
Encouraging Upskill Programs According to a recent NFIB report, nearly half of small business owners report they’ve got job openings that are hard to fill. Missouri is no exception. Thankfully, the House has passed HB 417, which would make it easier for employers to retain their current employees.
HB 417 provides grants to employers to encourage employees to obtain upskill credentials. By providing employees with more opportunities to learn new skills and advance in their careers, even the smallest of employers will be able to recruit and retain top talent.
We’re asking the Senate to support this critical workforce development bill.
Statute of Limitations Small business owners are hoping that the General Assembly will end this session having made serious progress on tort reform. Compared to neighboring states, Missouri is an outlier when it comes to how long an individual can bring a lawsuit. NFIB supports both SB 117 and HB 272, bills that would reduce the statute of limitations from five to two years.
This is a matter of common-sense. We hope that when the House Committee on General Laws hears this bill next week, they’ll move to give small business owners greater peace of mind.
NFIB will continue to make your voice heard in the statehouse.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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