Small Business News

news & information

  • The Freelance Worker Protection Act went into effect in Illinois on July 1.   New Freelance Worker Mandates Go Into Effect in Illinois Read Full Article
  • The Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) recently released a report decrying “Illinois’ poor economic performance.” Illinois Research Commission Decries “Poor Economic Performance” Read Full Article
  • On Tuesday, July 9th, NFIB Illinois State Director Noah Finley & Meg Karnig of the Littler Law Firm held a virtual webinar about the Illinois Paid Leave Mandate Learn More About The Illinois Paid Leave Mandate Read Full Article
  • The Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) reported Illinois sales-tax collection declined 4.5% year-over-year in the month of June. Illinois Sales-Tax Collection Declines Read Full Article
  • Illinois State Director Noah Finley shares his thoughts on the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for June 2024. Illinois State Director Reacts to Small Business Uncertainty Index Read Full Article
  • NFIB Illinois PAC announced its 1st round of state legislative endorsements featuring incumbents with proven track records of standing up for small businesses. NFIB Illinois PAC Endorses Legislators with Pro-Small Business Voting Records Read Full Article
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