Working to Help our Members Through the Crisis in Harrisburg and D.C.

Date: April 15, 2020

Fighting for small businesses through the financial turmoil and potential reopening

As the “Voice of Small Business” in Pennsylvania and across the nation, NFIB is laser-focused on issues of importance to you right now. We are communicating with lawmakers in Harrisburg and Washington as they make critical decisions to address the health crisis and the economic crisis, which has hit our member small businesses very hard.

NFIB supported a bill passed by the legislature on April 15 that would bring Pennsylvania into line with 45 other states by following federal standards for what constitutes essential businesses during the COVID-19 emergency. Governor Tom Wolf has threatened to veto that legislation. Read more about that here. And we have information for you about a strict new order for essential businesses that remain open from Wolf’s office.

The NFIB team in Pennsylvania is currently assisting members who are navigating the COVID-19 relief as they apply for federal loans meant to keep small businesses afloat and retain their employees through the crisis. We are keeping our members updated on the most recent executive orders, directives, and on top of federal news on our state and national webpages.

Here in the Keystone State, we want to make sure that Governor Wolf, who is partnering on a reopening plan with regional governors, also works with Pennsylvania’s legislators to arrive at the best plan for our state. That plan must include input from affected businesses as well as health professionals. Policymakers must have insight into how small businesses operate to make informed decisions that will help and not do further harm.

In Washington, NFIB is working hard to convince government agencies and Congress to iron out the glitches that have delayed critical loan funds and allocate more money so many small businesses aren’t left behind. See NFIB’s letter to Congress sent Wednesday.

We believe better days are ahead, and until that time arrives we will be working to get our member’s businesses reopened as soon as it is safe for you, your employees and your customers. Hopefully, that day won’t be far away. Feel free to contact me at [email protected], or our Pennsylvania Legislative Director Rebecca Oyler at [email protected].     

Gordon Denlinger
Pennsylvania’s NFIB State Director

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