Gov. Lee Awards GIVE Grants to Fuel Rural Workforce Development

Date: November 18, 2021

Gov Bill Lee has announced projects receiving funding through the second round of the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) program which prioritizes learning opportunities in rural counties and enhances career and technical education statewide.

Tennessee has made notable progress in rural workforce development in recent years which has resulted in securing over 24,000 new jobs and nearly $13 billion in capital investment in rural counties since 2019.

Since creating GIVE, Gov. Lee’s first legislative priority, he has invested $50 million in the program to support rural workforce development through technical education. The first round of GIVE funding in 2019 served an estimated 8,000 students, and this second round will serve an estimated 7,500 students.  

To learn more and read a complete list of GIFT projects and recipients, click here.

Related Content: Small Business News | Tennessee

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