NFIB Urges No Statewide Shutdowns - Cluster Containment Strategy a Better Option

Date: November 16, 2020

News release from NY State Director Greg Biryla

NFIB Urges New York To Continue COVID Cluster Containment Strategy
Warns that many small businesses cannot survive another statewide shutdown

ALBANY (Nov. 16, 2020) — Over the weekend, Governors from several northeastern states, including New York, took part in a summit to identify virus containment tactics, best practices, and other strategies to address increases in COVID-19 cases across the region. The following statement can be attributed to Greg Biryla, NFIB’s New York state director:

“COVID-19 has ripped a path of heartbreak, loss, and economic destruction through our nation and in communities across our state. That path began a little over eight months ago, and in many respects, New York State chartered a path forward for others to follow: Our frontline personnel and healthcare professionals worked around-the-clock, state and local leaders employed innovative and lifesaving public health strategies, and our business community and the public sacrificed livelihoods to contain the virus. This unprecedented effort and coordination resulted in New York State not only ‘bending its curve’ but maintaining one of the lowest infection and transmission rates in the nation as our economy progressively reopened throughout the spring and summer.

“As New York, the nation, and the globe confront COVID-19’s long-predicted second wave, it’s imperative we build upon the strategies that have proven successful. There is little to indicate that day-to-day business activity or commerce is contributing to the recent spread. New York’s innovative and measured micro-cluster containment zones have demonstrated success in controlling the virus while allowing local economies to generally operate. Most communities designated earliest as containment zones are generally experiencing a reduction in transmission. Brooklyn, Rockland, Orange, Broome, Chemung, and Westchester focus zones have all responded positively since their initial designation. While New York’s cluster strategy may be new and its implementation still evolving, it is New York State’s best approach to protect public health and preserve local economies.”

NFIB’s most recent COVID-19 Small Business Survey (Oct. 23-26) clearly indicates that small businesses, the jobs and the communities they support simply cannot survive a second statewide, economy-wide shutdown.

  • 77% of small businesses received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan.
  • 90% of those small businesses have exhausted all of their loan funds.
  • 83% of small businesses have experienced a decline in sales volume compared to pre-crisis level.
  • 39% of small businesses do not believe they can stay in operation longer than 12 months under current economic conditions.
  • 20% percent of small businesses don’t believe they can stay in operation longer than 3-6 months under current economic conditions.

Related Content: Small Business News | New York

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