TUNE IN: Small Businesses are the Ones Making it Happen in Missouri Communities

Date: August 14, 2023

NFIB State Director Brad Jones appears on “The Randy Tobler Show” with NFIB Member Dr. Tobler to discuss the state of the small business economy.

In a conversation with NFIB member Dr. Randy Tobler on “The Randy Tobler Show” NFIB State Director Brad Jones discussed the state of the small business economy and how NFIB fights for local job creators in D.C. and statehouses across the country.

During the interview, Jones said:

“[Small business owners] are trying to make payroll on Friday. They can’t come to Jeff City or Washington, D.C. to express themselves. We’re happy to be able to oblige. People ask me why I’ve done this for so long because of who we represent. I love small businesspeople. They’re my heroes.


“They’re the ones that are making it happen. Sponsoring your 5ks here in mid-Missouri and putting uniforms on the Little League’s backs and have for years and years. They’re the ones we eat, sleep, and drink with every single day. They’re our neighbors.”

CLICK HERE for the full conversation.

Related Content: Small Business News | Missouri

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