Don’t Forget to ‘Geaux Vote’ on Saturday, Nov. 18

Date: November 13, 2023

‘Geaux Vote’ for strong, small-business advocates!

Taxes, over-regulation and sky-high insurance costs are crippling the growth of small businesses in Louisiana. Main Street needs strong advocates in Baton Rouge. We need you to be the #VoiceOfSmallBusiness and support these candidates on – or before – Election Day, which is Saturday, November 18.

NFIB’s Louisiana PAC has endorsed the following candidates because they will be a voice for small business owners in Baton Rouge. With important issues set to be addressed next session, such as tort reform, tax climate, and the insurance crisis, it is more important now than ever to elect strong business leaders.

Attorney General:

  • Liz Murrill

House of Representatives:

  • House District 53: Jessica Domangue
  • House District 68: Dixon McMakin
  • House District 70: Barbara Freiberg
  • House District 75: John Wyble
  • House District 89: Kim Carver
  • House District 90: Mary DuBuisson
  • House District 105: Jacob Braud

Polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm on Election Day, Saturday, November 18. Early voting is available to all voters, beginning on November 3. To learn more, or find your polling location, visit the GeauxVote portal on the Louisiana’s Secretary of State’s website.

Small business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to vote. NFIB will encourage its Mississippi members to help turn out the powerful small-business voting bloc on Election Day.


Related Content: Small Business News | Louisiana

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