North Dakota Legislature Close to Adjournment

Date: April 25, 2019

Six bills of importance to small business await final actions

State Director Alison Ritter reports from Bismarck on the small-business agenda for legislative activity as of April 25

Today is day 75 of a possible 80 days and the Legislature could adjourn within in the coming days. There are just a few bills left that are important to NFIB. The following are snapshots of the latest happenings

Conference Committee Bills:
  • HB 1018 – the Commerce Department budget.  The House and Senate just appointed conferees and the first conference committee meeting was Tuesday.
  • HB 1019 – the Career and Technical Education budget passed out of conference committee with the full $2 million for Train ND funding. This bill passed the House on Tuesday and again in the Senate Wednesday.
  • HB 1040 – the Automation Tax credit bill has now passed both chambers. Conferees on the bill compromised on up to $1 million in tax credits per calendar year and put a sunset on the bill in 2022.
  • HB 1286 – the civil asset forfeiture bill was given a Do Pass recommendation out of conference committee. The conference committee report is awaiting consideration by the House and Senate.
  • HB 1333 – the “LIFT bill.” This bill is now in conference committee and could take a while.
  • HB 1513 – the family care tax credit bill was reported out of conference committee and was defeated on the Senate floor 3-43.
Bills Signed by Gov. Doug Burgum:
  • HB 1106 – the invisible reinsurance pool bill was passed by the Senate. The sunset date is December 31, 2021.
Previous Reports from the State Capitol



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