Important Changes to Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Laws

Date: December 08, 2018

Small businesses with less than 50 employees exempted

NFIB supported adoption of the Paid Sick Leave Mandate and Minimum Wage Hike ballot proposals in September of 2018 to keep them off the November state-wide ballot. If these proposals went to the ballot, and they were passed, a three-fourths super-majority of both legislative chambers would be required to make any changes to them. This is an impossible requirement to meet and Michigan would have been stuck with the most stringent paid sick leave and minimum wage employer mandate in the country. All indications were that they would have passed by wide margins in the state-wide elections.

This action preserved the ability of the legislature to amend these proposals by a simple majority vote and approval of the governor. During the 2018 lame duck legislative session, the state House and Senate passed NFIB supported changes to the Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave laws. Here is a document that summarizes these changes:

Changes made to Michigan’s Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Laws

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