State Sen. Becky Massey Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

Date: September 30, 2020

NFIB said today that state Sen. Becky Massey earned its Guardian of Small Business award. Sen. Massey was presented the award in a virtual call this morning with NFIB leaders and members from her district. 

The Guardian of Small Business award is the most prestigious honor that NFIB bestows on legislators in recognition of their efforts to support small business. The NFIB Tennessee Leadership Council, an advisory board comprised of NFIB members, voted to present the award to the legislator for her outstanding leadership on small-business issues.   

“Becky Massey is an outstanding supporter of small business with a perfect lifetime NFIB voting record,” NFIB State Director Jim Brown said. “Small business owners in her district and across Tennessee appreciate Senator Massey for her pragmatism and ability to support and pass legislation that is having a positive impact for Tennessee’s entrepreneurs. On behalf of NFIB’s 6,000 members in Tennessee, we’re grateful for her strong leadership and staunch support of free enterprise.” 

“I’m very much honored to receive NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business award,” Massey said. “The success of small businesses is critical to my district and our thriving state economy. I will continue to work hard to ensure our small businesses operate on a level playing field and have the resources they need to succeed, especially during this difficult period.” 

Massey, who lives in Knoxville, represents Senate District 6, part of Knox County. 


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