WATCH: Small Business Applauds Lt. Gov. Jones' 'Red Tape Rollback' Initiative

Date: November 07, 2023

The ideas outlined in the plan would make it easier to run a business in Georgia

NFIB State Director Hunter Loggins today said Lt. Gov. Burt Jones’ “Red Tape Rollback” initiative would have a big impact on Georgia’s small businesses.

“The ideas outlined today by Lieutenant Governor Jones should make it easier for people to own and operate a small business in Georgia,” Loggins said. The proposed legislation includes provisions that would give the General Assembly greater power to oversee and review proposed state regulations and eliminate defunct or duplicative regulatory boards and commissions.

“We applaud the lieutenant governor’s commitment to eliminating costly and unnecessary red tape,” Loggins said. “We believe the state should allow entrepreneurs to focus less on bureaucratic obstacles and concentrate more on running their small businesses.

“We look forward to seeing the draft legislation and are eager to work with Lieutenant Governor Jones and legislative leaders next year to ensure this commonsense package is passed into law.”

Loggins and NFIB members Mychal Walker and Pat Kaemmerling were among the business advocates who stood behind on the steps behind Jones today when he announced the proposed legislation at a news conference inside the Georgie State Capitol. Watch the news conference below:

Related Content: Small Business News | Georgia

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