Small Business Endorses Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State

Date: September 19, 2018

Electing a strong and engaged Secretary of State is crucial at this time

LANSING, September 18, 2018 — The state’s leading small business organization, NFIB, today announced that its Michigan political action committee had endorsed Mary Treder Lang for Michigan Secretary of State.

This endorsement marks the first time NFIB in Michigan has taken a position in the Secretary of State race, according to Charlie Owens, the association’s state director. The national NFIB PAC approved a request from the state PAC to expand its involvement into the Secretary of State race because the office plays a role in the approval of initiated ballot proposals that have a direct impact on small business. Owens cited the recent examples of paid leave and minimum wage mandates that were recommended for approval by the current Secretary of State, Bureau of Elections – although the legislature adopted those proposals, so they will not be on the November ballot.

“With the power held by the Bureau of Elections bureaucracy in deciding what constitutes valid signatures on initiative petitions and what qualifies to go on our statewide ballot, having a strong and engaged Secretary of State is more important than ever,” said Owens. “Mary Treder Lang is committed to ensuring the integrity of the voting process and will be open to opportunities for improvements in the existing process for vetting signatures and assuring compliance with the laws that govern the citizen initiative process.”




Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Michigan

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