NFIB Florida PAC Endorses CFO Patronis for Reelection

Date: June 07, 2022

NFIB endorses Patronis at NFIB member business Allegra Marketing and Image360

The NFIB Florida PAC today endorsed Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis for reelection. The announcement came after Patronis visited Allegra Marketing and Image360, operating together on Falkenburg Road in Tampa. The political action committee is comprised exclusively of NFIB members.

“On behalf of our small business members, I am honored to announce the NFIB Florida PAC’s support for Jimmy Patronis,” NFIB State Executive Director Bill Herrle said. “Since becoming CFO in 2017, Jimmy Patronis has supported much-needed lawsuit abuse reform and been a champion of prosecuting financial fraud, one of the biggest reasons Main Street businesses have seen their insurance rates skyrocket in recent years.

“Small business is essential to Florida’s continued financial health, and Jimmy Patronis has shown us time and again that he understands the challenges facing Florida’s job creators and will do everything he can to ensure we remain a state where small businesses can thrive.”

NFIB is the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization. The NFIB Florida PAC’s endorsement is significant in an important election year. Small business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for actively recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to vote. The PAC’s support is based on candidates’ positions and records on small-business issues.

Related Content: Small Business News | Elections | Florida

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