Public-Sector Employers Barred from Asking About Salary History

Date: January 31, 2018


After being sworn in, Gov. Phil Murphy’s first official action as governor was to sign an executive order that prohibits all managers in state government from asking job applicants about their salary history. This move aims to support the effort to secure equal pay for women in the workplace.

While the order only impacts public jobs, Murphy also noted that he would extend the rule to private businesses as well if the Legislature sends him a bill that would make it state law. Similar measures have been considered in the past by the General Assembly, but such mandates placed on employers are concerning for small business owners. Not only does it require changes to application materials, interview questions, negotiation policies, and the overall method used to look for and evaluate job candidates, but it can also open employers up to more legal liability. Additionally, small business owners appreciate flexibility and freedom to run their companies.

NFIB/NJ will be monitoring any efforts to impose further labor mandates on private-sector small business owners across the state.


Related Content: Small Business News | Economy | New Jersey

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