Minnesota Leadership Council Elects New Chair

Date: October 06, 2021

Council says farewell to outgoing State Director Mike Hickey

The Minnesota NFIB Leadership Council celebrated a changing of the guard at its September meeting by electing a new Chairman and bidding farewell to retiring State Director Mike Hickey.



Retiring State Director Mike Hickey, (L) presents award to member Steve Becher, (R) who served as NFIB LC Chair for 10 years.


Current Chairman Steve Becher, President of CSP Holding Co., presided over the election of Mike Flynn as the new Leadership Council Chair. Mike is the owner of Amish Market Square and Whitewater Travel Plaza located in St. Charles and has also been a long-time member of the Minnesota Leadership Council. Council members honored Steve for his many years of involvement with NFIB and for his 10 years of chairing the Leadership Council.


Steve Becher presented Mike Hickey with a special plaque of appreciation on behalf of the Leadership Council in recognition of his years of service to small business. Tim Goodrich and Charlie Owens from NFIB also presented Mike with a special Guardian of Small Business Award in recognition of his 37 years with NFIB.


Retiring NFIB State Director in Minnesota Mike Hickey accepts NFIB’s Guardian Award for Small Business from NFIB Senior State Director Charles Owens, (R) and Tim Goodrich, Executive State Director of Government Relations (L).


Mike provided a list of significant NFIB Minnesota accomplishments over the years. Many were reviewed and discussed by the members.


Senator Roger Chamberlain spoke and gave a legislative update and a look ahead. Senator Chamberlain is the current Chair of the Senate Education Committee and a very good friend of NFIB.


NFIB is in the process of finding the right person to continue Mike’s dedicated work in Minnesota and an announcement will be made soon as we move forward with the search for a new State Director.

Related Content: Small Business News | Economy | Minnesota

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