The U.S. Small Business Administration has been approved for low-interest disaster loans for losses related to COVID-19.
Owners can click here to apply for economic injury disaster loans.
Gov. Roy Cooper on Monday, March 16, asked that the SBA grant a disaster declaration for business owners in North Carolina facing economic losses due to COVID-19.
“We know that the new coronavirus is already impacting businesses, and this financial assistance will help,” the governor said.
The declaration will provide disaster loans to impacted businesses statewide to help fulfill financial obligations and operating expenses.
On March 10, Governor Cooper issued Executive Order No. 116 declaring a State of Emergency for the State of North Carolina. The declaration activated the State Emergency Operations Center to help agencies coordinate the response to COVID-19. Governor Cooper also established the Governor’s Novel Coronavirus Task Force on COVID-19 to work with state, local and federal partners in responding to challenges posed by COVID-19.