Sen. Cory Gardner Takes His Second Small Business Challenge

Date: April 20, 2019

Visits Centennial Container to make boxes, talk politics

Last year, he helped make beer, this year at an April 16 event, he stamped out boxes at Centennial Container in Denver, an NFIB-member business.

“For his entire time in the State Legislature and in the U.S. Senate, Cory Gardner has always maintained a pro-small-business voting record, but his participation in NFIB’s Small Business Challenge two years in a row shows how much he sincerely cares about Main Street enterprises,” said Tony Gagliardi, NFIB’s Colorado state director.

NFIB’s Small Business Challenge is a national campaign that invites lawmakers to spend a day on the job at a small business in their community and allows them to experience firsthand the challenges small-business owners face, including day-to-day management, compliance, and tax issues.

Last year, Senator Gardner spent time at another NFIB-member business, Left Hand Brewery in Longmont. These events present a unique opportunity for NFIB members to have a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their businesses. NFIB members want to know that their elected representatives truly understand the needs of small-business owners and will fight for policies that will have a positive impact on their work and quality of life.

Click here to read more about NFIB’s Small Business Challenge. Inviting your state representatives is also a good idea for advancing the small-business agenda. Here are six tips for doing so.

Centennial Container owner Jim Noon, left, discusses small-business issues with Sen. Cory Gardner.

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