Small Business Owners "Disgusted" by Congress

Date: March 29, 2016

Washington politicians have their priorities all wrong, a new survey reveals.

Congress just got a failing grade.

An extraordinarily high number of people—84 percent, according to Gallup’s latest poll—disapprove of Congress, and senators and representatives shouldn’t look to small business owners for love either.

More than 60 percent are “discouraged” or “disgusted” by the politics in Washington, D.C., according to a Sage survey conducted in January. Respondents’ answers revealed a large disconnect between the priorities of business owners and those of politicians.

Survey respondents ranked small business, the military and the middle class as their most important special interest groups, and said they believe the government places more importance on big business, minorities and government employees. 

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An Astonishing Disconnect

With such a rift between business owners and lawmakers, it’s not surprising that respondents think congressional priorities are out of whack. Owners would like to see progress on tax reform, reducing the deficit and fixing social security, but they believe legislators are focusing on gun control, raising the minimum wage and global warming.

Respondents also reported wanting government out of their business—literally. Business owners said excessive regulation was their top concern, followed by taxes and the economy in general.

“This survey makes clear that small business owners—regardless of political affiliation—are dissatisfied with government leadership,” said Connie Certusi, executive vice president and managing director at Sage U.S.

Participants ran the gamut on the political spectrum. Thirty-six percent identified as Republicans, 14 percent identified as Democrats and 20 percent branded themselves as Independents. 

In a contentious election year, it is unclear whether a new president will ease the concerns of business owners. Republicans are favored on small business issues, according to a Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and Management poll.

Donald Trump received the most support from small business in that poll, with 34 percent saying he is best for business, while Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton was far behind at 18 percent.

RELATED: Trump Dominated Super Tuesday, Much to the GOP’s Dismay

*Note: This news coverage does not equate to an endorsement of any candidate by NFIB

Photo credit: Cheong Wa Dae

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