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Labor Issues & Small Business


Small business owners know that employees are their most valuable resource. Small business owners work hard to train and retain employees by creating a rewarding workplace. Finding qualified employees has been small business owners’ top business problem since 2019. However, government mandates and regulations have made labor issues and the ability to fill open positions more complicated than ever.

Small businesses operate differently than large businesses; they do not have human-resources departments to track the changing standards and rules that affect their workforce and workplace.

NFIB urges Congress to eliminate burdensome mandates and prevent cumbersome regulations that inhibit job creation.

Your Chance to Influence

Share Your Story: Finding Employees
Share your story about challenges related to finding quality employees.
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Get the Facts!
Our infographic below details how the $15 Federal Minimum Wage impacts smal…
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Wage Theft and Wage Recovery Act

NFIB Members Discuss the Wage Theft Prevention and Wage Recovery Act

Wage & Hour Laws Explained

In this episode of the Small Business Rundown, NFIB's Senior Vice President of Advocacy Adam Temple interviews Beth Milito, Executive Director of the NFIB Small Business Legal Center, about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and its impact on small business owners. Beth goes in-depth on various aspects of FLSA compliance, such as: Distinguishing between employees and independent contractors Minimum wage Tipped employees Overtime pay guidelines Child labor rules Record keeping and notice posting Milito provides useful information on these topics and warns listeners of the penalties for non-compliance. The Small Business Legal Center also offers a printable Wage and Hour Guide on this topic, which can be read here. NFIB members can also receive a free federal labor law poster that includes the FLSA requirements by calling (800) 552-NFIB or emailing If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe and share. Also, check out the NFIB California podcast!

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