February 27, 2022
NFIB State Director Annie Spilman joined other business leaders today in San Antonio to endorse Greg Abbott for a third term as Texas Governor. The endorsement came from the NFIB Texas PAC.
“Governor Abbott has not only been effective and efficient but he’s listened to our members,” Spilman said. “He’s gone around the state and had listening sessions with our members and truly come to us and said, ‘What can we do to help?’”
The past two years have been difficult for Texas’ small businesses, Spilman said, but “they’ve been able to keep their doors open in this state because of leaders like Governor Abbott.”
Small businesses across the country must contend with issues such as inflation, the labor shortage, and supply chain issues, “but those hurdles have not been exacerbated by regulatory barriers in Texas, and we thank you for that.”
Spilman said, “We appreciate everything you’ve done. You’ve proven yourself, and you’ve not only been a leader, but you’ve been a friend to all of us. The NFIB Texas PAC is proud to endorse you.”
NFIB will encourage its Texas members to help turn out the powerful small-business voting bloc on Election Day, Tuesday, March 1. Small-business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to vote. NFIB will encourage its Texas members to help turn out the powerful small-business voting bloc on Election Day.
Click the video to hear Spilman’s remarks at today’s endorsement event.
The Abbott campaign also released a video featuring Austin restaurateur and NFIB member Robert Mayfield and other small business owners.
Today, more than 30 business groups from across Texas endorsed my re-election campaign in San Antonio.
Because of all these companies & the Texans they represent, the Lone Star State continues to be the number one economic destination in America. pic.twitter.com/dVUUvWTkD0
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) February 10, 2022
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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