September 6, 2023
READ: Weimar Small Business Owner Calls on Congress to Stop the Tax Hike on Main Street
In letter to the editor of the Colorado County Citizen, NFIB small business owner member Dana Sherrill urges Congress to pass the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, legislation that would make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent.
She writes:
“My husband and I started our small business in November 2019, right before the world shut down. […]. Here at Twisted Steel Design, we don’t just do custom work. We invite our customers to join in the fun, hosting various workshops and art classes in our community. Not only do these events foster a greater love for art, but they help support fellow small businesses in our area. We donate art pieces to various charitable organizations and collaborate with local business owners to keep our small town vibrant and growing.
“This all comes with various challenges. The past few years have been tremendously difficult and at times, downright painful. Between this inflationary economy and the dramatic increases in property taxes, many small businesses are just doing everything they can to hold on.”
CLICK HERE to read the letter. Learn more at
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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