Stop the Small Business Tax Hike

Congress cut corporate taxes permanently but made the 20% Small Business Tax Deduction temporary.

Nine out of 10 American small businesses benefit from this critical tax deduction.

If Congress fails to act, taxes will increase on over 30 million small businesses at the end of 2025. This will decimate their ability to grow, hire new workers, provide for their employees and give back to their community.

Tell Congress to make the expiring 20% Small Business Tax Deduction permanent—sign the petition today:


The Main Street Tax Certainty Act

This critical legislation makes the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent.
What does this mean for small businesses?

  • Pass-through small businesses
    (Sole Proprietorships, S-Corporations, or Partnerships) can continue deducting up to 20% of qualified business income on line 13 of their federal 1040 tax form

  • Nearly half (48%) of small business owners who currently report uncertainty regarding the expiring provision can feel confident in their current and future plans.

  • Small businesses can reinvest in their communities and employees – including focusing on hiring, raising wages, and growth..

  • Small businesses can keep their tax rates closer to that of their large, corporate competitors.


EY Report

The Ernst & Young (EY) macroeconomic analysis, released in conjunction with NFIB, measured the impact on small business of permanently extending the 20% Small Business Deduction.


Small Business Tax Surveys

The 2024 NFIB Tax Survey assessed small business owners’ biggest tax challenges, implications of potential changes to the tax code, and how tax policy impacts business operations.


Help us make the Small Business Deduction permanent

Learn more about how we’re fighting for tax fairness on your behalf by scheduling a quick call with an NFIB Rep today.

What Small Business Owners are Saying

  • The small businesses that anchor our economy are about to face a devastating tax hike that will hurt workers and weaken communities. I’m calling on Washington, D.C., to wake up and protect the tax relief that small businesses desperately need.
    – Nathan Garden, Kansas City Star, 7/12/24.
  • The worst thing that could happen is if Washington lets the small-business deduction die. The moment that happens, I’m going to face some painful choices. The sooner Washington acts, the sooner Main Street will be saved from the coming crisis.
    – Rodney Wideman, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7/12/24
  • Only Congress can save our small business, our team, and the customers and community we serve. Our representatives and senators should fight to make the Small Business Deduction permanent.
    – Kyle Lindsey, West Virginia News, 7/23/24
  • Ohio lawmakers in Congress and the president —no matter who it is—must make the Small Business Deduction permanent. They have until the end of next year to act. Small businesses like mine are sounding the alarm. Washington should listen before it’s too late.
    – Tim Maloney, The Canton Repository, 8/12/24


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Congress cut corporate taxes permanently but made the 20% Small Business Tax Deduction temporary.
Nine out of 10 American small businesses benefit from this critical tax deduction.

If Congress fails to act, taxes will increase on over 30 million small businesses at the end of 2025. This will decimate their ability to grow, hire new workers, provide for their employees and give back to their community.

Tell Congress to make the expiring 20% Small Business Tax Deduction permanent—sign the petition today.


The Main Street Tax Certainty Act

This critical legislation makes the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent.
What does this mean for small businesses?

  • Pass-through small businesses (Sole Proprietorships,
    S-Corporations, or Partnerships) can continue deducting up to 20% of qualified business income on line 13 of their federal 1040 tax form.

  • Nearly half (48%) of small business owners who currently report uncertainty regarding the expiring provision can feel confident in their current and future plans.

  • Small businesses can reinvest in their communities and employees – including focusing on hiring and growth.

  • Small businesses can keep their tax rates closer to that of their large, corporate competitors.


EY Report

The Ernst & Young (EY) macroeconomic analysis, released in conjunction with NFIB, measured the impact on small business of permanently extending the 20% Small Business Deduction.


Small Business Tax Surveys

The 2024 NFIB Tax Survey assessed small business owners’ biggest tax challenges, implications of potential changes to the tax code, and how tax policy impacts business operations.


Help us make the Small Business Deduction permanent

Learn more about how we’re fighting for tax fairness on your behalf by scheduling a quick call with an NFIB Rep today.

What Small Business Owners are Saying

  • The small businesses that anchor our economy are about to face a devastating tax hike that will hurt workers and weaken communities. I’m calling on Washington, D.C., to wake up and protect the tax relief that small businesses desperately need.
    – Nathan Garden, Kansas City Star, 7/12/24.
  • The worst thing that could happen is if Washington lets the small-business deduction die. The moment that happens, I’m going to face some painful choices. The sooner Washington acts, the sooner Main Street will be saved from the coming crisis.
    – Rodney Wideman, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7/12/24
  • Only Congress can save our small business, our team, and the customers and community we serve. Our representatives and senators should fight to make the Small Business Deduction permanent.
    – Kyle Lindsey, West Virginia News, 7/23/24
  • Ohio lawmakers in Congress and the president —no matter who it is—must make the Small Business Deduction permanent. They have until the end of next year to act. Small businesses like mine are sounding the alarm. Washington should listen before it’s too late.
    – -Tim Maloney, The Canton Repository, 8/12/24


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