January 31, 2025
Small businesses identify important issues for the General Assembly
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Pennsylvania’s leading small business advocacy organization, issued its top legislative priorities for the 2025 legislative session.
“Pennsylvania small business owners are reporting the highest level of optimism since 2018, and the General Assembly should work across the aisle to ensure that optimism isn’t deterred this session,” said Greg Moreland, NFIB Pennsylvania State Director. “Last legislative session, small businesses were concerned about a plethora of anti-small business mandates and costly proposals that would negatively impact small businesses across the Commonwealth. We encourage the General Assembly to avoid those types of legislation and instead focus on policies that will ignite the small business economy.”
• Small Business Mandates
NFIB continues to oppose all burdensome mandates on the small business sector including salary disclosure on job postings, 8-hours unpaid parental leave for school functions, 4-day work week pilot program, extended paid leave, and customer access to employee-only restrooms.
• Minimum Wage Increase
NFIB opposes an increase in minimum wage due to the negative effects on small businesses.
• Energy Independence
NFIB opposes any infringement on a consumer’s choice of energy products, as well as the massive tax scheme proposed by Gov. Shapiro.
• Tax Fairness
NFIB continues to prioritize the repeal of the Accelerated Sales Tax prepayments provision.
• Healthcare Options
NFIB continues to advocate for increased options, such as Association Health Plans and opposes new mandates.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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