NFIB New Hampshire PAC Announces Endorsements for State Legislature
NFIB New Hampshire PAC Announces Endorsements for State Legislature
October 1, 2024
NFIB New Hampshire PAC Announces Endorsements for State Legislature
“We support legislators who support small business with their votes.”
CONCORD, NH (Oct. 2, 2024) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the state’s leading small business advocacy association, announced that its New Hampshire PAC has released endorsements for candidates running for the state legislature in 2024.
“This is a vital election year for small businesses in New Hampshire, and it’s more critical than ever to have strong pro-small-business lawmakers in Concord,” said Bruce Berke, NFIB New Hampshire State Director. “We support legislators who support small business with their votes. Small businesses employ half of all employees in New Hampshire and produce half of the state’s GDP. Small business owners are integral to the state’s economic health and communities, and New Hampshire can’t afford a legislature that will overlook Main Street. It is imperative that we have lawmakers who are laser focused on preventing harmful taxes, regulations, and mandates on small businesses to ensure Main Street survives.”
“The NFIB New Hampshire PAC is proud to endorse this stalwart group of legislators who have a proven track record of fighting in bipartisan fashion for small businesses and their employees,” continued Berke.
State legislative endorsements are decided by the NFIB NH PAC Board, which is made up exclusively of small business owners. Legislative endorsements, where there is an incumbent, are based on the 2023-24 NFIB Voting Record of key small-business issues, including taxes, labor mandates, regulatory reform, workers’ compensation, economic development, and other general business climate matters impacting the cost of doing business in New Hampshire. Legislators must have a score of 70% or better to be considered for an endorsement. Candidates running in open seats or as challengers must complete a candidate questionnaire for endorsement consideration.
Small-business owners and their employees are a key voting bloc and are known for actively recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to go to the polls. NFIB will encourage its members to help turn out voters for NFIB NH PAC-endorsed candidates in the 2024 General Election. NFIB and its NH PAC Committee will continue to monitor and evaluate key races across the state and may announce additional candidate endorsements in the future. NFIB is the nation’s leading and largest small-business association, representing a wide range of industries and businesses of all shapes and sizes.
State Senate
District 1 David Rochefort
District 2 Tim Lang
District 3 Mark McConkey
District 6 Jim Gray
District 7 Dan Innis
District 8 Ruth Ward
District 9 Denise Ricciardi
District 11 Tim McGough
District 12 Kevin Avard
District 14 Sharon Carson
District 16 Keith Murphy
District 17 Howard Pearl
District 19 Regina Birdsell
District 22 Daryl Abbas
District 23 Bill Gannon
District 24 Pat Abrami
For 80 years, NFIB has been the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses and remains so today. For more information, please visit
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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