June 6 NFIB webinar: What’s at stake with the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights
Colorado business and residential property owners will have a choice on the November ballot to reduce property-tax assessments in a way that could save them some $10 billion over 10 years. It also holds the possibility of wiping out Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds forever.
Join NFIB and Ben Murrey on Tuesday, June 6, from 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m., for this virtual event and hear an expert’s birds-eye-view of what is to come now that Gov. Jared Polis’ has signed Senate Bill 303 into law, which voters will have a say on in November.
Ben Murrey serves as Independence Institute’s Director of Fiscal Policy, working to promote fiscal responsibility in Colorado government and to defend the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights in the state’s constitution.
There is no charge to attend but registration is required. Register now. Register here.
This event is open to members and non-members. A join link will be email to you one-hour prior to the start of the event from Grassroots Manager ML McGinty. Can’t make it? Don’t worry! Register now and we’ll email you the recording.
If you need help registering or would like to submit a question ahead of time, please reach out to ML McGinty.