SAVE THE DATE: NFIB New York's 2024 Small Business Day at the Capitol

Date: January 31, 2024

Your Voice Matters – Give Legislators a Firsthand Understanding of How Legislation Affects Your Business.

Join business owners and advocates for Small Business Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, March 19th. 2024 is an important year for New York’s small business owners. Lawmakers need to hear from you on how to best jumpstart our economic recovery.

>>>>> Registration is required. Register HERE today! <<<<<

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Advocate for policies that will help your business grow, and tell lawmakers how proposed laws will impact the future of your business.
-Meet with lawmakers to voice your concerns
-Learn about the business community’s legislative priorities
-Network with other business owners
-Make your voice heard in Albany!
9:00 AM: Registration and Breakfast (provided)
9:15 AM: Priority Issues Briefing
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Legislative Meetings
– Retail Theft
– Sunsetting COVID Sick Leave
– Frequency of Pay
+ More issues of importance to small business!

Related Content: Small Business News | New York

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