New Mexico State Member Ballot Results for 2022

Date: January 10, 2022

NFIB thanks small-business owners for taking the time to make their voice heard

Should gasoline stations and other retail stores be held liable for selling fuel, auto parts, auto mechanic services or other non-alcohol goods and services to intoxicated drivers?
Yes 10%
No 81%
Undecided 9 %

Should New Mexico require government agencies to issue licenses and permits and conduct other regulatory actions within established timelines and pay penalties for not doing so?
Yes 74 %
No 12%
Undecided 14%

Should New Mexico impose new taxes or fees on motorists, shipping, or commercial and residential energy consumption to pay for infrastructure necessary to accommodate electric vehicles?
Yes 18%
No 78%
Undecided 4%

Should customers and repair shops be able to access the necessary information from manufacturers to repair their products?
Yes 87%
No 6%
Undecided 7%

Related Content: Small Business News | New Mexico | Taxes

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