Illinois Small Business: Secure Choice Enrollment Deadline Looms

Date: October 16, 2023

Deadline for employers to comply with the State of Illinois Secure Choice mandate is in less than 2 weeks.

The November 1 deadline for employers to comply with the State of Illinois Secure Choice mandate is in less than 2 weeks.  By November 1, all employers in Illinois with more than 5 employees must either provide a qualified retirement savings program benefit to their employees, or register their employees and enable them access to the Illinois Secure Choice retirement savings program.


By registering your employees with Secure Choice, an employer is facilitating the worker’s ability to voluntarily choose or decline to set aside earnings for retirement savings.  NFIB recently hosted a webinar with representatives of the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office and the Secure Choice Program.  That webinar can be viewed below.


NFIB Illinois Secure Choice Overview Webinar from NFIB Video on Vimeo.

Related Content: Small Business News | Illinois

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