Governor Suspends Georgia Fuel Tax Until Nov. 11

Date: October 06, 2023

The extension eases the financial pressure on Georgia's small businesses

Gov. Brian Kemp said today he will extend the hold on Georgia’s fuel tax from Oct. 12 to Nov. 11.

“This is welcome news for Main Street businesses. Higher fuel prices affect the cost of practically everything, from office supplies to shipping. By extending the hold on Georgia’s 31.2 cents per gallon state tax on gasoline and 35 cents tax on diesel, Governor Kemp is reducing the cost of living and doing business in the state.” 

According to AAA, the average price of a gallon of regular is $3.19, compared with $3.59 one month ago. The record price for a gallon of gas in Georgia is $4.50 in June 2022.

Related Content: Small Business News | Georgia

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