November 29, 2023
WATCH: ‘Get Out During the Holidays and Year-Round To Support Small Business’
Ahead of Small Business Saturday, NFIB State Director Dan Murray encouraged Kansans to support local businesses during the holiday season and all year round.
“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy,” Murray said in an interview with KSNT in Topeka. “It’s very important for us to get out during the holidays and year-round to support small business owners and small business retailers to keep them viable and alive, and in our communities doing what they do best.”
In an op-ed in The Emporia Gazette, Murray reminded readers that shopping small benefits the local economy. Murray wrote:
“When we shop small, we’re helping the family-run businesses that sponsor our kid’s sports teams, support our schools, and donate to charities. We’re supporting our neighbors who employ hardworking Kansans. And we’re reaffirming our commitment to our community.”
CLICK HERE to watch the full interview with KSNT. CLICK HERE to read Murray’s op-ed.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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