January 14, 2025
NFIB state issue ballots drive policy-making decisions and give a voice to small businesses
NFIB members in all 50 states can now vote their 2025 NFIB Member Ballot for state issues. Members in the following states received a message by email or fax on January 7, 2025, to vote their state ballot: Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you live in a state besides the ones listed, your ballot is also available now, having launched in December.
For more than 75 years, NFIB’s member ballot system has been the same constant and foundational element of our work. Our policy is One Member, One Vote, for both state and federal issues with no exceptions. The results of these votes guide NFIB and its advocacy efforts at both the state and federal levels.
In this state ballot cycle, top issues include energy choice, workplace heat and temperature regulations, greenhouse emissions reporting, right to disconnect, workplace violence mandates, and more. When a position gains significant majority support, the corresponding state advocacy team makes the issue a priority.
NFIB state ballots can only be voted on by NFIB members. If you are not an NFIB member, join today to vote your state’s ballot. The NFIB membership sign-up process takes only a few minutes and filling out the ballot takes just a few minutes more – but it will shape NFIB’s efforts and advocacy impact for months to come.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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