January 16, 2025
Small business owners applaud governor's call for tort reform
NFIB State Director Hunter Loggins released this statement today about Gov. Brian Kemp’s call for new laws to stop lawsuit abuse in Georgia:
“Our small business members appreciate Governor Kemp’s call for legislation to stop lawsuit abuse in Georgia.
“Lawsuit abuse hurts all of us. A 2024 study by The Perryman Group for NFIB and Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) found that excessive lawsuits in Georgia – the ‘tort tax’ – cost a family of four an average of $5,592 a year and caused the loss of 137,658 jobs across the state.
“Georgia’s legal system has gotten worse over the years. This is bad news for everyone, but small businesses are hit the hardest. Unlike big companies, small businesses don’t have extra money or big legal teams to fight off unfair claims. A single frivolous lawsuit could force a small business to close.
“That’s why NFIB applauds Governor Kemp for prioritizing lawsuit abuse in this year’s session of the General Assembly.”
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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