January 23, 2025
NFIB highlights 5 important issues for the Legislature
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Ohio’s leading small business advocacy organization, issued its 2025 Top Legislative Priorities for the Ohio Legislature this session.
“As Ohio faces a fiscally tighter budget, lawmakers must avoid increasing taxes or shifting tax burdens on small businesses,” said Chris Ferruso, NFIB Ohio State Director. “Small business owners are reporting the highest level of optimism in years and are ready to grow their businesses – the Legislature should work to ensure this optimism builds and isn’t stifled by bad and costly policies.”
• Prevent Tax Increases on Small Business Owners
NFIB will work to preserve the business income deduction (BID) and avoid shifting property tax burdens onto commercial class. Any erosion of the BID or an increase in property tax is a tax increase on small businesses.
• Unemployment Compensation Modernization
NFIB supports modernizing Ohio’s unemployment compensation system to provide long-term solvency and certainty for employers.
• Reduce Small Business Health Care Costs
NFIB supports cost transparency and incentivizing employers to provide this benefit. NFIB opposes policies that put upward pressure on health insurance premiums.
• Prevent Energy Cost Increases on Small Businesses
NFIB supports policies that provide reliable and affordable energy. NFIB opposes policies that increase energy costs on small employers while giving large energy users discounted rates.
• Workforce Development & Licensure Reform
NFIB supports TechCred to allow employers to be reimbursed for upskilling their workforce.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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