January 10, 2022
Small Business to Iowa Legislature: Here’s How to Continue to Helping us Rebound From Pandemic
Small business owners across Iowa, along with NFIB, the state’s leading small business organization, are urging state lawmakers to listen to small business owners as they continue to recover from the pandemic. Today, January 10th, is the first day of the 2022 legislative session.
NFIB small business owners, which are 11,000 strong here in Iowa, have a few priorities that they would like the legislature to take up this session. This includes income tax, unemployment insurance and property tax reform.
There is no doubt 2021 was filled with angst and uncertainty for small business in Iowa and around the country. Small business is still recovering from the unprecedented health and economic crisis of 2020, not to mention battling ongoing federal government mandates and proposed tax increases. Sky-rocketing costs of goods and services, supply chain disruptions and record Inflation are proving to be consequences that aren’t going away anytime soon.
“The governor and the legislature have already made great strides to ensure that small business owners here in Iowa have not been left behind by the pandemic,” said Matt Everson, NFIB State Director in Iowa. “However, there is more work to be done. Small business owners are asking Iowa’s lawmakers for three things this session that will ensure our mom-and-pop shops across the state can thrive for years to come: reduce income taxes, and reform property and unemployment and insurance taxes. Let’s keep last year’s momentum going to make sure that Iowa is one of the ideal places in the country for entrepreneurs to envision and make their dreams a reality.”
These challenges have created an unprecedented workforce shortage and a continued financial burden for small business around the country and in Iowa.
It’s time once again for Iowa’s elected officials to do what they do best; lead and implement sound tax and workforce policies like NFIB’s 2022 Iowa legislative priorities, which include income tax, unemployment insurance and property tax reform. These prioirities will keep Iowa’s economy running full steam for the next decade and beyond.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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