February 23, 2024
NFIB CA PAC impressed by Riverside/Corona-area candidate’s knowledge and concern for Main Street’s issues.

The political action committee for California’s largest and leading small business association has endorsed Angelo Farooq for the Riverside/Corona-area 31st Senate District seat.
The NFIB CA PAC, the political action committee for NFIB California, bases its endorsements of candidates for the State Legislature on their voting records, if incumbents, and on questionnaires and interviews for non-incumbents.
“Angelo Farooq is the most qualified candidate in this race to support and protect small businesses,” said NFIB California State Director John Kabateck. “He has walked the talk as a small business owner, led the state workforce development board to address challenging hiring needs, and believes in creating jobs and a stronger economy. Contrast that to Sabrina Cervantes who has only a 20% small-business voting record and has supported higher taxes, more regulations, and frivolous lawsuits against Main Street employers. This is hopefully a ‘no brainer’ for voters in this district seeking to crawl out of the COVID hole–not be kicked further down into it.”
For 80 years, NFIB has been advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven association. Since its founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses and remains so today. For more information, please visit nfib.com.
NFIB California
915 L St. Ste C-411
Sacramento, CA 95814
Twitter: @NFIB_CA
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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