November 18, 2024
READ: Shop Small & Urge Congress to Make the Small Business Deduction Permanent
In a recent op-ed, NFIB State Director Jeff Burdett encourages Texans to kick off the holiday season by shopping small on Small Business Saturday. In the op-ed, Burdett writes:
“When we shop small, we’re supporting our friends and neighbors. Roughly 67 cents of every dollar spent at a small business stays within the community where it’s spent and creates another 50 cents in local business activity. When we shop small, family owned businesses are better able to host school fundraisers, donate to charity and keep our communities thriving.”
Burdett continued, warning against a massive federal tax hike on small business owners, that’s scheduled to take place next year with the expiration of the 20% Small Business Deduction. Burdett writes:
“With nine out of 10 small businesses facing a massive tax hike next year, Congress must make the 20 percent Small Business Deduction permanent as quickly as possible. […] Here’s where you can help: tell Congress to make the expiring 20 percent Small Business Deduction permanent.”
CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed. CLICK HERE for some tips and tricks for a successful start to the holiday shopping season.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.