November 6, 2024
Michigan Legislative “Lame Duck Session” Preview: Changes to Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Legislation are Crucial
The lame duck sessions begins Nov. 6, 2024
With the Election over, the Michigan Legislature will be heading into its “lame duck” session beginning Thursday, November 6, 2025. There are many unknowns as we approach these last four weeks of session in the legislative calendar, but one thing is clear, the legislature needs to pass legislation to make changes to the paid sick leave and minimum wage laws set to go into effect on February 21, 2025.
Anything can happen in a Lame Duck session and because House Democrats lost the majority, this may be their last chance to get any agenda items accomplished. NFIB will be watching and ready to act on any legislation that could affect small business owners!
Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Fixes to Current Law
Find out more information on the paid sick leave and minimum wage changes and NFIB’s six-year battle on behalf of small business owners and view compliance webinars HERE.
We need EVERY small business owner to send a letter to their legislators asking for action to lessen the impact of these laws on both small businesses and employees. You can do that HERE.
Unemployment Insurance Increases
House Bill 5827, which would increase weekly benefits from 20 to 26 weeks has passed the State House and is currently in the State Senate. Other legislation is being crafted that would lessen work search requirements and increase the weekly benefit as well as tying it to the Consumer Price Index so it would continue to move upward yearly with inflation. NFIB has and will continue to oppose any legislation that will increase unemployment insurance taxes.
“Polluter Pays” and Other Environmental Regulations
Senate Bills 605-611 and House Bills 5241-5247, so called “Polluter Pay” legislation would increase clean up regulations, allow for the re-litigation and potential re-opening of previously closed contaminated sites, as well as mandate that new cleanups be at the highest standard technically possible, which will lead to enormous added costs to the re-development of brownfields in the state. Michigan already requires polluters to clean up any environmental hazards and these bills go too far.
There are a variety of other bills being perused by environmental extremists that NFIB will be watching.
MI Secure Retirement Savings Program
House Bill 5461 would create a state-run retirement plan for small businesses who have no plan. NFIB members indicated they oppose a mandatory plan by 87%. An appropriation is included in the 2024-25 budget to fund the staffing for the program. NFIB testified on Thursday, April 18 in the House Labor Committee against the proposal suggesting that, at the very least, the program should be voluntary. See the press release HERE. Take Action and tell your legislators NO to a Mandatory Retirement Scheme.
Consumer Protection Legislation
Consumer Protection Act, Senate Bills 1021-22
Wide ranging changes to the CPA, including no longer exempting government regulated professions and industries from frivolous laws suits.
Data Breach Senate Bills 888 – 892
Which among other requirements, would hold small businesses accountable for breaches of third party vendors (like credit card processers). It also allows for the Attorney General action and penalties.
Price Gouging During a Declared Emergency Senate Bills 954-56
Would prevent businesses from increasing prices during declared emergencies to prevent price gouging. However, as written, the legislation does not take market values into account and would penalize small business owners who raised prices to accordingly.
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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