August 16, 2023
Maryland's FAMLI program in midst of rulemaking
In April 2022, the Maryland General Assembly passed mandatory statewide paid leave legislation and subsequently voted to override then Governor Larry Hogan’s veto of the bill. NFIB strongly opposed this legislation and supported Gov. Hogan’s veto, advocating consistently against the proposal in Annapolis and in the news media.
Now, the new mandate goes into effect next year, and the state is in the process of implementing the new FAMLI (Family And Medical Leave Insurance) program. NFIB is working with members to provide the state’s Department of Labor with constructive feedback that will ensure the program is a success for employees and employers.
Join NFIB Maryland’s FAMLI Ad Hoc Committee today! Please e-mail Grassroots Manager Julianna Rauf indicating your interest in participating. There are only a few seats left, so join now to be considered to help influence a FAMLI program that better aligns with Maryland’s small business community. Don’t worry if you are not a FAMLI expert; your business experience is valuable in itself, and all we need is your perspective and your voice!
NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide.
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