Small Business Issues


  • The Department of Labor's new Overtime rule substantially increases business costs by doubling the salary threshold used to determine overtime eligibility. Thanks to your help, we've already had a big success with the House passing a bill to delay the rule. Tell the Senate and the President to do the same. Overtime Rule Relief Still Possible: Take Action Now Read Full Article
  • NFIB is fighting strict scheduling proposals that would require employers to adhere to work schedules provided 14-21 days in advance or face financial penalties. In addition, NFIB opposes bills that would expand the state’s paid sick leave law to employer paid family leave and temporary disability for all workers at all companies. Employer-Employee Relations Read Full Article
  • NFIB is fighting for the first major change in Massachusetts estate tax law in almost two decades, including increasing the exemption to at least $2.5 million. Taxes Read Full Article
  • NFIB is supporting Governor Baker’s efforts to finally make the MA healthcare exchange effective and efficient for small businesses and their workers. NFIB is fighting unnecessary additional healthcare costs in the form of MA-specific coverage mandates above and beyond federal essential benefits already imposed. Healthcare Read Full Article
  • Our unique Massachusetts law has cost our state thousands of freelancing jobs and NFIB is fighting to enact legislation to make the definition of independent contractor used by all state agencies consistent with the law in most other states and with the law applied by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service. Independent Contractor Read Full Article
  • Tell Congress to protect small businesses from the latest catastrophic Internal Revenue Service penalties created in the healthcare law. Are Your Representatives Fighting the Latest Obamacare Penalty? Read Full Article
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