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How to Work with Elected Officials

How to Work with Elected Officials


Did you know:

Decisions made in Congress, state Legislatures, and regulatory agencies can determine the future success of your business just as much as your own decisions can, sometimes more. As an experienced business owner, you are the most qualified to advise policy makers on issues that affect your business.

As a constituent, you have the ability to influence legislation. Your lawmakers at the federal, state, and local levels work for you. Lawmakers care about the concerns of their constituents and the policies that affect the communities they represent. Educating lawmakers on your views encourages them to keep you in mind when casting votes.

The more legislators know and understand about small employers, the better they can comprehend how pending legislation and laws impact the business community.

"Lawmakers gain a better understanding of the consequences created by the legislation they enact when they hear directly from job creators like NFIB members."

– Brad Close, NFIB President & CEO

Communicate via Social Media

If you and your legislator are on twitter and/or Facebook, these mediums are popular avenues to communicate. Some lawmakers manage their own accounts, while others are managed by staff, or both. Either way, NFIB encourages members to consider using social media as an effective way to advocate on issues.

Take advantage of NFIB event opportunities to meet elected officials, or contact your NFIB state office and offer to host an event. View our events calendar at, or look up your state office at

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