Virginia to Exit California EV Mandate

Date: June 05, 2024

'Virginia's small businesses need the freedom to decide for themselves which vehicles work for them'

Gov. Glenn Youngkin said today that Virginia will no longer follow the California electric vehicle mandate once the Golden State’s regulations expire at the end of 2024.

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares issued an official opinion in response to a request by Governor Youngkin and Senate Republican Leader Ryan McDougle confirming that Virginia is not required to comply with expansive new mandates adopted by the unelected California Air Resources Board (CARB) set to take effect January 1, 2025. Click here to learn more.

TAKE ACTION: Click here to thank Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares

Unlike other business organizations, NFIB’s policy positions are based on input from our members. When we balloted our Virginia members in 2023, nearly 92% answered no when asked whether the commonwealth should implement California’s vehicle emission standards regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

NFIB State Director Julia Hammond said, “Our members don’t like bureaucrats telling them how to run their businesses, but they really don’t like it when the mandates are laid out by unelected officials on the other side of the country. Virginia’s small businesses need the freedom to decide for themselves which vehicles work for them.”


Related Content: Small Business News | Virginia

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