Minnesota Agency Offers Workplace Ergonomics Law Webinar

Date: December 06, 2023

Dec. 13 MN DLI Webinar Focuses on New Workplace Ergonomics Law

Among the many, many new workplace mandates and regulations passed during the 2023 Minnesota Legislative session are ergonomics standards for certain licensed healthcare facilities, warehouse distribution center with 100 or more employees, and meatpacking businesses with 100 or more employees. You can read the new ergonomics law here: Sec. 182.677 MN Statutes.

The ergonomics law requires these facilities to implement an ergonomics program that includes:

(1) an assessment to identify and reduce musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in the facility;

(2) an initial and ongoing training of employees on ergonomics and its benefits, including the importance of reporting early symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders;

(3) a procedure to ensure early reporting of musculoskeletal disorders to prevent or reduce the progression of symptoms, the development of serious injuries, and lost-time claims;

(4) a process for employees to provide possible solutions that may be implemented to reduce, control, or eliminate workplace musculoskeletal disorders;

(5) procedures to ensure that physical plant modifications and major construction projects are consistent with program goals; and

(6) annual evaluations of the ergonomics program and whenever a change to the work process occurs.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry is hosting an informational webinar on the ergonomics law, as well as new regulations on warehouse worker safety:

Webinar: Minnesota OSHA Ergonomics and Warehousing Legislative Update

When: Dec. 13, 2023, from 10 to 11 a.m.

Description: This webinar will cover the newly enacted ergonomics and warehousing distribution worker statutes.

Register: Register here for the webinar.

Safety Grant Program – Ergonomics

The Ergonomic Safety Grant Program provides matching funds, up to $10,000, for qualifying employers to make ergonomic improvements recommended by an on-site safety survey. Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Safety Grant Program.

You can learn more and find additional resources here: MNOSHA Compliance: Ergonomics | Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

Related Content: Small Business News | Minnesota

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